Nike has launched its first plus-size range

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Nike has launched its first plus-size range
(Picture: Nike)
If you’re not a size small, you’ll know how stressful buying gymwear can be.

You want stuff that’ll let you move. Stuff that doesn’t dig in, or rub, or flap about revealing your full tummy and boobs to the world. Stuff that isn’t just an oversized t-shirt and cheap leggings.
But for some reason, the majority of fitness brands seem to only make their clothing in small sizes – as if only small people can work out.
Which is ridiculous, obviously. Everyone deserves to have workoutwear that makes them feel and look amazing.
That’s why we’re so excited that Nike is finally offering a plus-size range.

This week Nike officially released a range for plus-size women, going from size XL up to 3XL.
The range features all kinds of workout-ready clothing, with sports bra, running tights, high-tech hoodies and more.
Oh, and the sports bras will go up to a 38E. Rejoice.
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